Correlation Between Helicobacter Pylori VacA Antibody Serum and Gastric Premalignant Lesions in Helicobacter Pylori Patients


  • Ridho Firmansyah Sitorus


Introduction: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a gram-negative bacteria that colonizes in human digestive tract that can cause various problems in the stomach. The virulence factors involved in this process consist vacuolating cytotoxin gene A (vacA) which can be used as a marker of the progressivity of H.pylori infection to Atrophic Gastritis and Intestinal Metaplasia. This research was aimed to determine the correlations between Helicobacter pylori vacA antibody serum and gastric premalignant lesions in Helicobacter pylori patients.

Method: This was a cross-sectional and analytic research. The sample of this study were patients diagnosed with Helicobacter pylori at Haji Adam Malik General Hospital in Medan who corresponded the inclusion criteria. The research was conducted from January to December 2022. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling. Selected subjects underwent endoscopy and biopsy, as well as antibody detection of VacA, then the data analysis was carried out.

Results: Demographic characteristics of H. pylori patients show that mean aged was 49 years and the majority patients are female (51.7%), bataknese (61.7%) with normal mean body mass index (22.4435 kg/m2), not consuming alcohol (85%), and nonsmokers or mild smokers (63.3%). Pearson chi-square test results didn’t found significant correlations (p=0.639) between VacA antibody and gastric premalignant lesions.

Conclusion: There was no significant correlation between VacA antibody and gastric premalignant lesions.